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Dear Readers,

We are pleased to present our latest newsletter. In this edition, you can read about the most recent events and developments at the DIS, as well as in arbitration and dispute resolution in Germany any beyond.

We look forward to your feedback at newsletter@disarb.org.

Enjoy reading!

Best wishes,

Your DIS Team

News from the Secretay General

The year has just begun and we already have some exciting news to report: The first German case has been published in the UNCITRAL's CLOUT database, available in all official UN languages - a milestone indeed! Also, our new DIS Sports Regulations have entered into force on 1 January 2025.


Highlights of 2024

As we look back on 2024, we are proud of our many milestones achieved - each reinforcing our commitment to arbitration excellence. Here are some of the highlights.

New 2025 DIS Sport Arbitration Rules (DIS-SportSchO)

The new 2025 DIS Sport Arbitration Rules (DIS-SportSchO) came into force on 1 January 2025. They replace the DIS Sport Arbitration Rules from 2016 and apply to all arbitral proceedings submitted to the German Court of Arbitration for Sport from 1 January 2025.

Dialogue on the Commercial Courts

The DIS Board has been in talks with the Higher Regional Courts, the body tasked with establishing Commercial Courts. The conversations were part of DIS’ regular dialogue with the judiciary.

DIS Sponsorship Award 2025/2026

Every two years, the German Arbitration Institute (DIS) awards a DIS Sponsorship Award valued at 10,000 € for an outstanding academic dissertation (doctoral thesis, habilitation) in the field of arbitration or alternative dispute resolution.

Draft Bill to Modernise Arbitration Law Gets Hearing in the German Bundestag’s Legal Affairs Committee

The Legal Affairs Committee of the German Bundestag held a public hearing on 4 December 2024 regarding the draft bill to modernise arbitration law.

DIS CLOUT Partnership

DIS is proud to announce the first publication of a German case in the CLOUT (Case Law on UNCITRAL Texts) database, in all official UN languages. This is the result of a partnership the UNCITRAL Secretariat and the DIS concluded in July 2024 and sets the stage for DIS contributions to the CLOUT database.

Arbitrator insurance survey

We would like to draw attention to the following survey being conducted by the College of Commercial Arbitrators.

Upcoming Events

Lunch DIScussions: W&I Insurance Arbitration

Warranty & Indemnity (W&I) insurance to cover contractual warranties has become indispensable in the context of complex M&A transactions.

Jecke DIS – Our 2025 Carnival Party

It's that time of year again: the fifth season in Germany’s Rhineland, or Carnival. In accordance with the Cologne constitution, § 8, ‘Mach et jot ävver nit ze off’ and § 10 ‘Drinkste ene met?’, we would like to start a new successful DIS year with festivities, fun and a smile on our faces.

Upcoming DIS-supported Events

In March 2025, the DIS will be supporting an interesting event.

DIS Technology Group – Inaugural Event

The DIS Technology Group chaired by Kathrin Asschenfeldt and David Tebel is delighted to invite all interested practitioners to its Kick-Off Event.

Petersberg Arbitration Days 2025: Climate Change and Renewable Energies

In cooperation with publishing house C. H. Beck, DIS will again organise the Petersberg Arbitration Days in 2025. This year’s focus will be "Climate Change and Renewable Energies".

DIS Pre-Moot Bonn / Call for Arbitrators

We are pleased to announce the return of the DIS Pre-Moot Bonn, now in its second year.

Save the Date: Upcoming DIS Events in 2026

We are pleased to announce the dates of some DIS events for the year 2026.

Past Events

DIS Rhine/Ruhr: Wish list to the BGH: When does an arbitration award stand?

Oppenhoff’s offices in Cologne became the epicenter of a captivating legal discussion on 10 December 2024, with attendees treated to a master class in the subtle interplay between procedural rules, substantive law, judicial reasoning, and arbitration practice.

DIS and DIS40 Berlin: Berlin Christmas Market Celebration

On Wednesday, 11 December 2024, the DIS Berlin Regional Group and DIS40 hosted a festive evening at Berlin’s Bebelplatz Christmas market (Weihnachtsmarkt).

Lunch Discussions: Importance of AI Regulation for Arbitration Proceedings

European AI Regulation (EU 2024/1689) and its implications for the use of AI in arbitration proceedings was the focus of the 12 December 2024 Lunch DIScussions.

Lunch DIScussions: Improving Efficiency and Speed in International Dispute Resolution: the New UNCITRAL SPEDR Clauses

The 9 January Lunch DIScussions, the first DIS event of 2025, were dedicated to the UNCITRAL Model Clauses on Specialised Express Dispute Resolution (SPEDR), the latest work product of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL)’s Working Group II.

International Activities

Upcoming Events

DIS@PAW: To be, or not to be Sandwiched – The new DIS Supplementary Rules for Third-Party Notices

In 2025, the DIS is once again organising a side event during the Paris Arbitration Week, this time together with the AFA/DIS Arbitration Group.

Save the date: DIS@JAA Arbitration Day: How to facilitate Civil Law Platform and Proceeding of Arbitration/Mediation

The DIS is currently organising an event in Tokyo together with the Japan Association of Arbitrators (JAA). Stay tuned.

Upcoming DIS-supported International Events

In the coming months, the DIS will be supporting a number of interesting events related to international arbitration. We will keep you updated as more information becomes available. Stay tuned.

Past Events

DIS@SAD: To be, or not to be sandwiched – The new DIS Supplementary Rules for Third-Party Notices

On the brisk morning of January 24th, we were glad to host an engaging session on the new DIS Supplementary Rules for Third-Party Notices, held as a side event during the Swedish Arbitration Days in Stockholm.

Behind the Scenes

Get to Know: Stefan Miksche-Thater

Readings & Podcasts

DIS: Supplementary Rules for Third-Party Notices in DisputeResolution Magazine

German Arbitration Digest (GAD) – Recent Summaries

SchiedsVZ, Issue 6/24

We are pleased to announce that issue 6/24 of the SchiedsVZ has been published with the following articles.

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Deutsche Institution für Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit e.V.
Thomas Losem
Marienforster Straße 52
53177 Bonn

0228 391815200