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Dear Readers,

Welcome to our latest newsletter. As usual, we will keep you informed about the latest developments and events at the DIS as well as arbitration and dispute resolution in Germany.

Your feedback is invaluable to us, so we encourage you to let us know what topics you would like to see covered in future issues at newsletter@disarb.org.

Thank you for being part of our community and enjoy reading!

Best wishes,

Your DIS Team

News from the Secretay General

I am pleased to share some wonderful news with you in this summer edition of our Newsletter.

The DIS has been buzzing with activity over the past month. We kicked off our regional groups in Rhine/Ruhr, Munich, Berlin, Stuttgart and Frankfurt am Main with fantastic events. 


Guideline on the DIS as Appointing Authority

The German Arbitration Institute (DIS) also operates as Appointing Authority. Provided that all parties agree on the DIS as Appointing Authority, the DIS will select and appoint suitable arbitrators for ad hoc arbitrations or suitable persons for alternative dispute resolution mechanisms.

Practice Group Technology – Final Report and 10 Top Recommendations

In May 2021, the DIS launched the virtual practice lab 2018 DIS Arbitration Rules Clinic, which has now delivered further very interesting results. The sub-group "Technology" submitted the final report of its work to the DIS.

CLOUT Partnership with UNCITRAL

The UNCITRAL Secretariat and the DIS have concluded a CLOUT partnership as of July 2024. Under this partnership, DIS will contribute to the Case Law on UNCITRAL Texts (CLOUT) database.

DIS meets Sport - Visit from the Fresenius University

On 6 June 2024, a group of sports management students from the Fresenius University of Applied Sciences (Cologne and Düsseldorf) made a visit to the German Arbitration Institute (DIS).

Adoption of the Government Bill on the Modernisation of Arbitration Law

On 26 June 2024, the federal government adopted the government bill on the moderni-sation of arbitration law. The DIS welcomes the modernisation of the well-established German arbitration law by means of a minor reform.

Launch of a new DIS Industry Group: Technology

We are very pleased to announce the launch of a new industry group of the DIS: the DIS Technology Group. Responding to the global increase and relevance of technology disputes, the DIS Technology Group brings together in-house lawyers and arbitration lawyers active in the technology sector

New Cooperation Agreement with the CIETAC

On 12 July 2024, we had the pleasure of welcoming a delegation from the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC) in our office in Berlin to exchange views on recent developments and explore avenues for future cooperation. 

Visit of the Legal Team from Alat Free Economic Zone (AFEZ) at the DIS

On Tuesday, 16 July 2024, the German Arbitration Institute (DIS) had the pleasure of hosting the legal team from the Alat Free Economic Zone (AFEZ) at its offices in Bonn.

Upcoming Events

Berlin Dispute Resolution Days 2024

The largest-ever Berlin Dispute Resolution Days will take place from 9 to 12 September 2024, with new institutions behind the event series and a record number of events over four days.

7th Karl-Heinz Böckstiegel Lecture: Modern Mass Claims, Up To Ukraine

Every two years, the DIS honours Professor Dr. Karl-Heinz Böckstiegel, DIS Honorary Chairman, with a lecture named after him. The 7th Karl-Heinz Böckstiegel Lecture will be delivered by Lucy Reed, former president of ICCA.

Judicial Independence in Times of Political Uncertainty: the Polish and German Perspectives

Changes to Poland’s judiciary system were one of the key tasks on the agenda of the pro-European government led by Donald Tusk. 

DIS Autumn Conference 2024

We cordially invite you to the DIS Autumn Conference 2024 in Berlin, which this year will be dealing with the topic "Higher, Faster, Further? Drivers of Innovation in Arbitration".

A Comparative Look at the Arbitral Practice in Germany, Spain and Latin America

On 11 September 2024, the Embassy of Spain in Berlin will host for the second time an arbitration event organized by the joint working group of Germany’s and Spain’s leading arbitration institutions CEIA, CIAM, and DIS.

BUJ meets DIS - Together for Strong Arbitration

The Dispute Resolution Working Group of the Bundesverband der Unternehmensjuristen (BUJ) and the DIS will be intensifying their cooperation in the future.

Past Events

Lunch DIScussions: Witness Statements, Chronologies and Opening Statements Created by AI - Technically Possible and Permissible?

The topic of the very successful June session of the Lunch DIScussions was “Witness Statements, Chronologies and Opening Statements created by AI - technically possible and permissible?”.

DIS Team Participated in the Bonner Firmenlauf

This year, for the first time, the DIS participated in the Bonner Firmenlauf.The Firmenlauf is an annual run held in the picturesque park Rheinaue, serving as an ideal team-building activity.

DIS Rhine/Ruhr: Supplementary DIS Rules for Third Party Notices - Questions from the User's Perspective

On 20 June 2024, the DIS regional group Rhine/Ruhr organized its first event discussing the new Supplementary Rules for Third-Party Notices (DIS-TPNR) which took effect in March 2024.

DIS Berlin: Summer Picnic

We are happy to announce that the DIS Berlin group is off to a good start! The newly re-opened Hegelplatz served as a wonderful outdoor venue for our kick-off summer picknick, allowing old and new faces in the arbitration community to mingle in a family friendly leisurely manner.

DIS Stuttgart: Arbitration in the Stuttgart Region - Observations from Different Perspectives

The inaugural meeting of the new DIS Regional Group Stuttgart took place on 25 June 2024.

DIS Summer Party 2024

On 28 June 2024, the DIS welcomed its guests to the second DIS summer party in the park of Villa Marienforst, the Bonn office of the DIS, in bright sunshine and pleasant summer temperatures. 

Doctoral Seminar 2024 by Bucerius, CIDR and DIS

On 19 and 20 July, the Doctoral Seminar on Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution at the Bucerius Law School welcomed 17 doctoral students specializing in arbitration and alternative dispute resolution.

DIS Munich: License to Arbitrate - Arbitration Proceedings in License Disputes

What an inspiring evening on arbitration in Munich! The kick-off event of the DIS Regional Group Munich was a complete success.

DIS Frankfurt: German Law on General Terms and Conditions - Competitive Disadvantage for the (Arbitration) Location?

The kick-off event of the DIS Regional Group Frankfurt brought together more than 80 arbitration lawyers in summer temperatures on
8 July 2024. 

Lunch DIScussions: Arbitration Related to Patents

On 11 July 2024, we continued our Lunch DIScussions series, this time on the topic of "Arbitration related to patents."

Workshop “Mediating the Vis Case” for Participants of the CLDP’s Vis Programmes

Following its successful workshop on “Mediating the Vis Case” in April in Bonn, the DIS and its two workshop leaders were invited by the Commercial Law Development Program (CLDP) of the US Department of Commerce, to jointly offer the workshop to participants of the CLDP’s Vis programmes.

International Activities

Past Events

DIS@LIDW: International and German Perspectives on Post-M&A Disputes

On 5 June 2024, as part of this year’s successful edition of the London International Disputes Week (LIDW), the DIS co-hosted an event with Ashurst on 'International and German Perspectives on Post-M&A Disputes', as supporter and member of the LIDW.

Behind the Scenes

Get to Know: Vivien Herrmann

Readings & Podcasts

Interview with the Secretary General on DIS eFile and the DIS Digitalisation Strategy

SchiedsVZ, Issue 3/24

We are pleased to announce that issue 3/24 of the SchiedsVZ has been published with the following articles:

Online Course: Artificial Intelligence (AI) for lawyers - Prompting Guide

The key to better results when using generative AI lies in good prompting.

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Deutsche Institution für Schiedsgerichtsbarkeit e.V.
Thomas Losem
Marienforster Straße 52
53177 Bonn

0228 391815200