DIS Frankfurt: Anti-(Anti-)Suit Injunctions 2.0 – Do we need a new approach?

Newsletter 5/2024 - Upcoming Events

DIS Frankfurt: Anti-(Anti-)Suit Injunctions 2.0 – Do we need a new approach?
29 October 2024, Frankfurt

Several courts (including the Higher Regional Court of Berlin, the Higher Regional Court of Düsseldorf and the Regional Court of Essen) have recently dealt with this issue, which has gained considerable relevance for German and international companies, not least due to geopolitical developments.

A keynote speech by Mr Thöne, who will present the legal background, will be followed by a panel discussion with company representatives and lawyers, who will discuss different perspectives and solutions.

DIS Frankfurt: Anti-(Anti-)Suit Injunctions 2.0 – Do we need a new approach?

Date: Tuesday, 29 October 2024, 6.30 pm
Venue: Linklaters, Taunusanlage 8, 60329 Frankfurt am Main

For further information and registration please refer to our website.

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